So it seems to finally be spring. Of course, the spring coat I bought is already broken…. (that will teach me to buy a $20 coat and expect it to have a sturdy zipper). I’m going to try adding some buttons to it instead…

soup for a rainy spring day

soup for a rainy spring day

The last few days have been miserable, cold and rainy, but fun anyway. I’ve been getting together with the rag tag girls a lot lately, preppng for our two performances coming up. I worked on the straps of my coin-bra today, but I need to replace them with longer straps…. Also had to take out the collar of the Hew wrap I’m working on… I somehow screwed it up and have to re-do the whole thing. Hasn’t been a very goo crafty week for me, but hopefully I’ll get what I need done by the performance.